Speak up

Ebusco is fully committed to conducting business in an ethical, legal and socially responsible manner. Despite this intention, it is possible that one day you observe a situation or behavior that worries you because it seems to be against the law, our Code of Conduct or simply does not seem (ethically) right.

If this happens, Ebusco management encourages you to raise the concern. This will give them an opportunity to address the issue or concern. Remember that keeping silent about possible misconduct or violation can make the situation worse. On this webpage we share all information about our Speak-Up policy and we offer the possibility to report directly.

Below is a schematic overview of the Speak-Up/whistleblower policy. You can download the extensive Speak-Up policy via downloads.

Report immediately Contacts Downloads

Have you observed a situation or behavior that concerns you?

Possible Concerns

Speak Up icon
  • Discrimination
  • Unwanted harassment
  • Fraud
  • Criminal offences
  • Bribery or Corruption
  • Human rights violations
  • Environmental, health and safety issues
  • Any other concerns that violates the law, Code of Conduct, or any other policy

Ebusco encourages you to speak up and report your concern

It's always good to consider these steps first:

Speak Up icon
  1. Can the situation be addressed amicably by discussing your concerns with the person(s) directly involved?
  2. Can the situation be addressed by discussing your concerns with your (direct) manager without making a formal report?
  1. Can the situation be addressed by my HR advisor or HR director?
  2. Can the situation be handled by the internal or external Trusted Person?

Do you feel that these suggestions are insufficient to address your concern?

Always feel free to speak up

trough a (formal) report

Option 1

Speak Up icon

Reporting directly to Managers / HR / Company Secretary

The first option is to make a formal report (verbal or written) to the direct manager, HR advisor, HR director of Company Secretary. This can be done via e-mail, a letter or simply a conversation with one of these individuals.

Be sure to let them know that you're making a formal report and that you want further action to be taken.

Option 2

Speak Up icon

Reporting via the reporting website

Sometimes reporting directly to a person (you know) can seem like a big step. That's why Ebusco also offers the option of reporting concerns through the form below.

When you make a report through this website, you may choose to do so anonymously or share your contact information. The report will be received by the Company Secretary.


Report form

We would like to point out that an (anonymous) report can be better investigated if more information is immediately available. Please provide as much information as possible when raising the concern.

    Pay attention: the maximum file size of the files (total) is 75MB.


    Moniek van den Berg

    Moniek van den Berg

    External confidential adviser Mail +31 (0)6 38 18 32 58

    Isa van Eerden

    Manager HR Mail +31 (0)6 25 55 84 26