
  • 500 KM RANGE
  • 82 PAX

The Ebusco 2.2 is a very innovative electric bus.

Ebusco supplies the 2.2 in 3 variants: 12-meter city and regional bus, 13-meter bus, and 18-meter bus.

The 13m bus provides an extended seat capacity of 45 chairs.

With its >350 kWh battery pack, the Ebusco 2.2 can run a range of up to 350 km. With the optional >400 kWh battery pack, the Ebusco 2.2 can run a range of up to 550 km. With this, practically all city and regional transport can run on 1 battery in a day. At night, the buses will charge in a depot to be ready for a new day the next morning.

Why Ebusco 2.2 (12,9m)

  • Up to 500 km on one battery
  • Low weight (13,550 kg)
    which is about 800 kg less than most electric buses
  • 1 charge = driving all day
  • No opportunity charging needed
  • Low TCO
  • Functions well also in extreme weather circumstances (as demonstrated by tests carried out in Scandinavia)
  • Battery warranty with a standard of 8-years


  • LED lights
  • Air conditioning
  • Electric heating and heat pump
  • USB ports
  • Charging with plug; overnight charging in the depot (with CCS plug)

Main specs

  • Standard battery package: >350 kWh (optional >400 kWh)
  • Made of high strength stainless steel
  • Length 12,9 m
  • Width 2,55 m
  • Height 3,350 m
  • GVW 19.000 kg
  • Kerb weight 13.550 kg
  • Seat capacity: 45


Dimensions and Weights
Body type
Door configuration
Passenger capacity
Kerb weight
Floor to ceiling height
Step-in height
Electric drive
Maximum range
Rated voltage
Maximum power
Maximum traction torque
Cell chemistry
Cell capacity and voltage
Pack capacity
Pack capacity - long range
Front (1st) Axle Capacity
2nd Axle Capacity
3th Axle Capacity
Rims and Tires
Ebusco electric bus

2.2 - 12,9M

Dimensions and Weights
Body type
Low entry
Door configuration
2 / 3 doors
Passenger capacity
82 persons
Kerb weight
14050 kg
12900 mm
2550 mm
3250 mm
Floor to ceiling height
2400 mm
Step-in height
340 mm
2.2 - 12,9M
Maximum range
500 km
Rated voltage
AC 3ф 400V
Maximum power
2 x 125 kW
Maximum traction torque
22000 Nm
2.2 - 12,9M
Cell chemistry
LFP (inherent fireproof battery)
Cell capacity and voltage
228 Ah, 3.22 V* or 302Ah, 3.22V*
Pack capacity
>400 kWh
Pack capacity - long range version
>500 kWh
2.2 - 12,9M
Front Axle Capacity
8165 kg
Rear Axle Capacity
11500 kg
3th Axle Capacity
2.2 - 12,9M
22.5 x 7.5
275 / 70R / 22.5 Continental HA3 M + S or 275/70R22.5 Michelin X InCity EV Z